We made it, a Town blog! It’s been a while coming but Town staff are pulling together in an effort to better engage the citizens of Irricana. We intend to use the blog as a means of informing you about activities in the Town Office, the community and our local area. Please feel free to leave comments as we hope this site will provide a medium for conversations and ideas to be freely expressed. Staff will make every effort to monitor the site and participate where necessary.

Although we may not always agree with each other, lets keep it clean and try to formulate productive and respectful discussion, as such we need to take responsibility for our actions and words. Therefore your complete name is needed to ensure accountability.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have ideas on how we can improve the blog

Wednesday 25 September 2013

2014 Operational Budget

Operating Budget

Setting the municipal budget should be done as soon as possible in order to provide staff with the guidance needed to achieve the municipality’s goals for the year. Ideally this process should be completed prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.

The Municipal Government Act requires that every municipality adopt an annual operating budget. 

The Town of Irricana has posted the proposed budget with the various programs and services associated with the budget. Including:

TOTAL LEGISLATIVE                            $ 65,200.23
TOTAL GENERAL ADMIN                  $ 373,375.26
TOTAL TECHNOLOGY                          $ 69,041.89
TOTAL TRANS TO RESERVES           $ 31,950.00
TOTAL DEBENTURE                             $ 36,758.62
TOTAL CONTRACT PROF                  $ 108,010.81
TOTAL ADVERTISING                              $ 5,700.00
TOTAL FIRE                                             $ 81,375.00
TOTAL DISASTER                                    $ 5,000.00
TOTAL BYLAW                                        $ 13,260.00
TOTAL COMMON SERVICE                 $ 70,696.07
TOTAL EQUIP MAINTENANCE            $ 23,000.00
TOTAL STREETS                                    $ 62,814.64
TOTAL WATER MAINTENANCE           $ 62,503.77
TOTAL WATER COST                          $ 348,745.33
TOTAL SEWER                                        $ 22,547.68
TOTAL WASTE                                        $ 73,381.38
TOTAL FCSS                                           $ 38,288.52
TOTAL PLANNING                                  $ 19,427.77
TOTAL SUBDIVISION                                $ 1,208.30
TOTAL CEMETERY                                       $ 525.00
TOTAL RECREATION                              $ 14,124.22
TOTAL PARKS_GENERAL                     $ 37,193.50
TOTAL PARKS_SPLASH                          $ 8,550.23
TOTAL PARKS_RINK                                 $ 2,000.00
TOTAL PARKS_KNIGHT                            $ 4,400.00
TOTAL PARKS_ENTRANCE                     $ 8,100.00
TOTAL PARKS_FOUNDERS                     $ 2,800.00
TOTAL PARKS_SOCCER                          $ 1,800.00
TOTAL PARKS_WALKER                           $ 2,000.00
TOTAL PARKS_MISC                                  $ 3,900.00
TOTAL CAMPGROUND                             $ 40,500.00
TOTAL LIBRARY                                          $ 31,664.50
TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE           $ 76,543.15
TOTAL BUILDING UTILITY                          $ 95,875.49
TOTAL STREET_LIGHT                              $ 33,933.65
TOTAL REQUISITIONS                              $ 307,550.37

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE          $ 2,215,731.39

Council has tabled the budget until October 7th Council Meeting to gain valuable public feedback on the services and programs offered. What would you like to see, what would you like to have cut, are there any additional programs that the Town should offer.

What comments do people have about the programs, service levels and associated costs. This is your opportunity to communicate your comments directly to Council. Only comments from confirmed individuals will be posted... no aliases. 


  1. When commenting on the Budget be sure to leave your full name, as you are giving input to a Town Policy we need to ensure accountability. Thank-you for contributing.

  2. Valerie Squires - The decision regarding this proposed budget should wait until the new council is in place and needs to be more detailed.

    When looking at this, we have no way to know what makes up the anticipated costs of, for example, "professional fees". I know that typically includes legal, audit, etc. However the way it is presented here this does not provide a comparison for the past 3 years. We could be paying double for a particular component of professional fees and not be aware or have the opportunity to question.

    That premise is applicable to all categories of the proposed budget. It's suggested in your post that residents should comment about programs and services they believe should be cut / added to, but without breaking those down and providing comparisons, residents cannot provide educated input.

  3. Hi Val,
    Thanks for the question. As for the timing of the budget, that is a Council decision. I can say that approving the budget is legislated under the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and each year it needs to be passed by the 31st of December. One of the reasons for this blog is to allow people to comment on the budget, giving Council feedback on the budgeting process.
    As for the detail of the budget. As per the MGA
    Council’s principal role in municipal organization
    201(1) A council is responsible for
    (a) developing and evaluating the policies and programs of
    the municipality;
    (b) making sure that the powers, duties and functions of the
    municipality are appropriately carried out;
    (c) carrying out the powers, duties and functions expressly
    given to it under this or any other enactment.
    (2) A council must not exercise a power or function or perform a
    duty that is by this or another enactment or bylaw specifically
    assigned to the chief administrative officer or a designated officer.
    Council's decision on a budget isn't to look at which "cell phone" plan or grade of "sand" to buy. Council must decide which program and level of service the municipality wants, the budget is broken down into programs, the level of service remains static unless otherwise noted on the budget. For example we did increase levels for succession planning, this was highlighted in the agenda package.
    I should have been clearer in the original post. The level of service remains status quo within this budget, other than the items documented in the agenda package. Does the public like the current level of service they are provided. For example, should there be more or less building maintenance? More or less street cleaning? More or less recreational services?
    An analogy that can be made would be you as a consumer wants a computer word processing "program". You know the functionality you want (service level) and what you are willing to pay for that functionality. You don't ask the computer store if it is C, C+, C++, 1GL, 5GL, Java, or Visual Basic. You ask the computer store how much does it cost for "Word", "Word Perfect", or "Open Office". As a consumer you want a "program" with a certain "service level", at a certain price. As a Councillor you want a "program" with a certain "service level" at a certain price. You don't need, and the MGA states "you must not exercise" the function of determining what "language" that program is written in, or in other words, how we provide the program. The type of sand, the cell phone plan, the type of sewer line cleaner are all the domain of the chief administrative officer as stated in the MGA.
    People often say "that's not the way we used to do it", change can scare people but, as Municipal Affairs has pointed out on a number of occasions, the way we did things in the past aren't always the way we should be doing things. By following best practices we can make the Town more effective and efficient, something we all want.

  4. There is a break down of costs going back to 2009 on last years agenda for the budget https://irricana.civicweb.net/Documents/DocumentList.aspx?ID=24521

  5. Sections 242 and 243 of the MGA state the parameters for budget timelines and content. It would be fully in compliance with the MGA to allow the new Council to approve the budget.

  6. Remember to state your name if you would like to leave a comment!

  7. Hi Alvin,

    First off I applaud your decision to create this blog and post the Budget. Generally speaking, I agree with Valerie’s comments. Posting the budget would be more beneficial to our residents if it was presented with last year’s figures. This would quickly let residents know if there was a positive or negative variance. If we take the technology ask as an example. Readers of this blog currently do not know if the town is asking for more or less than last year. If the ask is less than last year’s spend, that’s great! Residents should understand that the Town is actually saving money in this area. If the ask is more, the reason for the increase should be explained. As an example, if the purpose is to upgrade the Town’s office computers that are 5 years old, that would be one thing. On the other hand, if the spend is to replace 1 year old IBM computers with new Macintosh computers then that could be an issue. That type of visibility into the Budget is what I believe our residents are looking for.

    Dennis Tracz

    1. Hi Dennis,

      Unfortunately the formatting on this blog doesn't allow for easy depiction of tables. The numbers were included in last years budget on our Town website. I will post the comparative sheet on the Town Website.

    2. Here's the link to the comparative budget

  8. It would be in compliance to wait, but it would also put a lot on the plate of the new council. There are only two months from the election until the end of the year. My concern would be what happened last election in which the budget was several months late.

    Also, it is important to remember that even if this council passes a budget, the new council can still change it. At least this way one is in place and the new council isn't rushing to put one through while still learning the basics of their job.

    Phillip Liesemer

  9. If this council passes the proposed budget as an "interim budget", that fully complies with the MGA. However the incoming council could do the same thing and then have time to become familiar with the detail and related comparisons to prior years has been presented. It would also enable a more accurate assessment of our current fiscal year's progress.

    The MGA states that one of the responsibilities of Council is to pass the budget. That also means that it is Council's responsibility to determine the level of service. Like any Council decisions, if insufficient information is given, a good decision is less likely.

    The responsibility of the CAO is to ensure the expenditures throughout the year are in compliance with the approved budget.

  10. Administration created a policy to provide for monthly financial reports, the project reports are now being used by Municipal Affairs as an example of best practice for other communities.

    Council should always make decisions with sufficient information, there was a time when motions were made adhoc without any kind of information being made available or extraneous information that wasn't vetted by Administration.

    We always want Council to have sufficient information to make a decision on Policy and Programs in which they are responsible.

  11. Nathan Simmons - My comment is not regarding the budget. I can't find a way to make a new post(subject) or the rule for this blog, if any. Could you please post regarding this. Thank you

  12. This blog site similar to many including Ray Courtman's blog from Bieseker is structured in such a way that the moderator starts each subject. If there are suggestions for new subjects you can leave them under a new subject I've started called "Questions"


Thank-you to everyone who comments. The Town of Irricana is committed to the sustainability of our great town and value your comments. To ensure accountability please ensure that your full name is attached to each comment.