We made it, a Town blog! It’s been a while coming but Town staff are pulling together in an effort to better engage the citizens of Irricana. We intend to use the blog as a means of informing you about activities in the Town Office, the community and our local area. Please feel free to leave comments as we hope this site will provide a medium for conversations and ideas to be freely expressed. Staff will make every effort to monitor the site and participate where necessary.

Although we may not always agree with each other, lets keep it clean and try to formulate productive and respectful discussion, as such we need to take responsibility for our actions and words. Therefore your complete name is needed to ensure accountability.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have ideas on how we can improve the blog

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Source


Alvin Melton, Chief Administrative Officer
(403) 935-4672, X101
Email: cao@irricana.com
Get your municipal information from the source!
I am extremely proud to say that, over the past few years, the Town of Irricana has made great strides in improving the way we communicate with our residents.  We will continue to enhance our website to provide valuable and pertinent information in an accessible format.  We look forward to responding to all public inquiries in an expeditious manner.
Information provided by the Municipality consists of factual content that is endorsed by Council as a whole and does not include individual political thoughts and/or opinions.  Information posted on websites or blogs other than the Municipal website do not reflect the official position of Council or the Municipality.  Although some websites and blogs can be entertaining, in many cases, the information provided can be inaccurate, incomplete and/or misleading.  It is important for members of the public to contact the Municipality if they are seeking information on Municipal activities, initiatives and/or programs.
The Town of Irricana utilizes several forms of communication to offer accurate and concise information to the public including:
1.  Newspaper - ads, public notices, reminders, minutes, etc.
2.  Municipal Website - by-laws, minutes, agendas, contact information, current projects, municipal plans, budgets and much more
3.  Newsletters - general information and relevant, current information
4. Communication Board - inform residents of upcoming events or meetings, public meetings/open houses, specific information regarding projects, municipal plans and studies
5.  Council Meetings - held the second and fourth Monday of each month and open to the public
6. Written Correspondence - via letters or emails, telephone calls - derived from voice mails, messages, letters, etc.
7.  Personal Visits - on specific issues either at the Municipal Office or on location
I strongly urge anyone looking for answers regarding municipal matters to contact the Town through any of the above mentioned avenues.
Kindest regards,
Alvin Melton
Chief Administrative Officer

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

2014 IdeaFest

It's your Town, What's your Vision?

Any time that elected officials can provide an opportunity to meet with residents is beneficial for the community.

Council directed administration to continue with  an “open house” style concept to engage members of the community in meaningful dialogue and activities to get ideas and share information with residents of Irricana.

Communication through proactive planning and idea sharing is a means to collect and share information in a relaxed and interactive atmosphere.

Prior to Council confirming their 4 year strategic plan, your input is valuable and would be very much appreciate to help us guide us on our journey to economic growth and sustainability.

Location :                Community Hall
Date  Time:             Thursday Feb 20th  6PM  - 9PM
                                 Saturday Feb 22nd 12noon - 3PM

Food and Refreshment,  free Hotdogs and Drinks

Please assist Council by providing your feedback through a number of information stations/table and displays around the room.  Thank you for taking the time to help shape the future of your town!

                                         and... have fun!