What responsibilities do residents have for shaping the future within their community?
There will soon be advertised the annual Boards and Committees volunteer opportunities.
The Town of Irricana Council is committed to community development wherein residents come together to analyze, generate solutions and develop plans to improve Irricana's quality of life.
If you are civically minded, volunteering on a board or committee is a pro-active means to provide direct public input into decision making. With a variety of committees, residents can lend their voice and expertise and assist in creating future realities.
Administration will be actively advocating a review of the Town's Municipal Sustainability Plan (MSP) that will be re-introduced at Ideafest. The MSP is a high-level planning document that reflects what the community wants from every aspect of life and suggests the means for achieving goals. Planning for Irricana is an important strategy to guide business decisions and as such move towards a more sustainable future. There will be an opportunity for volunteers to join this committee that is not appointed, but is rather led by Council and collaborates with administration and residents.
The review of the MSP is a small time commitment that will shape the future of Irricana; who will share their views and be part of solution based initiative that provides desirable returns.
If you don't volunteer or provide some sort of input do you have the right to complain?